American Health Care Association (AHCA)
2020 AHCA Bronze Award – The AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program is a progressive, three-step process that encourages the continuous learning, development, and execution of integrated quality systems to achieve performance excellence. Each progressive step requires a more detailed and comprehensive demonstration of quality integration and performance. The criteria for each step is based on the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program.

In the photo (left to right): Amanda Bass, Director of Nursing, Peggy Doty, LPN Charge Nurse, Beckie Darnell, LPN MDS Coordinator, Natalie Korell, Administrator
Westward Heights Care Center Recognized for Wyoming Medication Donation Program
Without the help of dedicated nurses like Peggy Doty, LPN, and Beckie Darnell, LPN, MDS Coordinator and the hours they spent sorting medications last year that could be turned into the Wyoming Medication Donation Program, many Wyoming residents would not have benefited from free medications. Westward Heights was recognized as a Platinum Donor by the Wyoming Department of Health Wyoming Medication Donation Program. In 2012 the program received over 8,800 pounds of donations and provided over 1.3 million dollars worth of free medication to Wyoming residents who could not afford their prescriptions.
- Member Wyoming Health Care Association
- Member American Health Care Association
- Administrator Member: American College of Health Care Administrators